

Kubernetes Native Solutions

Ownage specializes in the design, build and operation of multi-tier and highly containerized architectures. This meant that we were naturally attracted to the best container orchestrator in the market - Kubernetes.

Kubernetes is an open-source, well maintained and cloud neutral container orchestrator that can operate at planet scale. When engineered correctly, Kubernetes can automate tasks that are usually performed manually by your ops teams.

Ownage can help you with the setup, configuration and operation of Kubernetes.


At Ownage, we tend to prefer the use of stable and secure open-source software. Kubernetes, Golang, gRPC, PostgreSQL, CockroachDB, etc. are a few popular open-source software that we use internally.

Since Ownage has learnt so much from the open-source community, we contribute to open-source where possible and open-source some of our work as well.

Where feasible, Ownage will help with design and build of a container at no cost as long as the code is open-sourced and an appropriate licence is applied.

About Ownage

Ownage is an Engineering Led, Data Driven, technology company that focuses on delivering the best possible end-user experience. Security, Simplicity and Speed are core principles we follow.

We specialize in the design of multi-tier and highly containerized architectures. This repo on Github demos a 10-tier microservices application which should provide a good indication of what a multi-tier and highly containerized application architecture looks like.

Ownage has designed, built, maintained and enhanced 500+ production containers over the last few years. We apply our core principle of Security, Simplicity and Speed to every container we engineer.

Ownage has also helped it's customers with the hiring and training of software engineers. We conduct interviews, screen candidates and train them on the job. This reduces our customers' reliance on us and the knowledge is shared.

Ownage provides full source code (with appropriate licenses) for any work we do for our customers.

Where feasible, Ownage will help with design and build of a container at no cost as long as the code is open-sourced and an appropriate licence is applied.

Things we don't do

All great open-source projects clearly indicate what they are not good at or meant to do. Here is the list of things we don't do.

  • Smooth talk.
  • Tactical statements to please the audience in a meeting.
  • Use management pleasing buzz words.
  • Decision makers often don't know the in's and out's of tech. We do not take advantage of this.
  • Say YES to everything.
  • Make things look big and complex or organize work for financial gain.

To ensure we are a good fit, we generally engage with the business owners and build an engineering prototype at no cost to solve a simple problem. This usually gives both parties a good indication of compatibility.

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